In the heart of Minato-ku, a culinary tale began over a century ago, under the shadow of Akasaka Hie Shrine. In 1910, a humble chicken eatery emerged, christened with the name "NARUTO" after the founder's beloved hometown in Tokushima Prefecture, Shikoku. Toshiharu Nakanishi, a visionary whose roots traced back to the 12th chairmanship of the Tokyo Metropolitan Assembly, laid the foundation for a legacy that would span generations.
Fast forward to the vibrant streets of Shimbashi in 1985, where Koichi Nakanishi, the torchbearer of tradition, unveiled a temple of gastronomy—a temple of high-class tempura. The scent of sizzling oil and the delicate dance of ingredients would soon captivate the senses of connoisseurs far and wide.
In 2012, a new chapter unfolded as NARUTO embraced a new vision, melding the mastery of tempura with the allure of fine wines. Within the intimate confines of our small yet spirited restaurant, every dish is crafted with unwavering dedication and passion. Here, each bite is a symphony of flavors, each sip an invitation to indulge in the finest of culinary experiences. Join us on a journey where tradition meets innovation, and every meal is an ode to the rich tapestry of Japanese cuisine. Welcome to NARUTO, where every moment is infused with the essence of culinary artistry and heartfelt hospitality.
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